How to use the To Do List


The To Do List system provides a means for staff to communicate important messages regarding patient care. Any staff user may create a To Do List item for any other staff user within Proxy.


Each staff member has a To Do List on their home page. Additionally, each patient/IP has a summary of pending To Do items on their summary page on the Patient Info layout.

Create a New To Do List Item

The To Do List button is available on the Quick Picks bar of most screens. This button creates a new To Do item for an active patient/IP, donor or surrogate. To create a new To Do List Item, click on To Do List at the top right of the screen.

Fill in the fields that communicate the To Do item, responsible individual, due date, notes, etc. You may link this to an IP/patient, donor or surrogate. The newly created To Do item will show up on the home page of the responsible staff member and in the respective chart of an IP, donor or surrogate.

View Your To Do Items on Your Home Page

Each user has a To Do List portal on their Home Page. Click on the pink date to open the To Do item.

Once you click the date, the To Do List item on your homepage will open and you will have further options:

[1] Respond: The To Do box allows staff to exchange messages and follow the thread of the conversation. To add a note click Respond.

[2] Complete: To mark the To Do item as complete, check the Completed box. This will remove the item from both your Home Page and the patient’s summary page

[3] Go to the Chart: You may also click the Go To buttons to go to the chart of the IP, donor or surrogate the To Do is concerning.